Sallie Guillory

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Channeling our Inner Noah to Make a Difference This Year

Today is the first day of 2024. Lots of people are making resolutions and setting goals for what they want this year to look like.

I started my 2024 Bible reading plan today with the book of Genesis and as I was reading about Noah I began to wonder what this year could look like if I committed to make a difference like Noah instead of committing to accomplish my goals. Think about it, God chose Noah to be the guy to basically throw all of us a lifeline. Noah was ready and willing to build an ark and let God use him to help create a place for God to rebuild mankind. If you could sum up Noah’s life in one sentence it might be, “Noah made a difference.” And I believe each one of us can still make a difference today when we follow Noah’s example of living a life surrendered to God and his will for our lives.

God used a rainbow in the book of Genesis as a reminder of his promise to us to be faithful and that he will never again destroy the world with a flood. We get to see that because of what Noah did. One person can make a difference! 

By listening and obeying God even when it seemed crazy Noah made a difference. Here’s some different ways being obedient can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others in 2024:

  1. For your family: Those closest to you benefit most when you do what’s right. I’m sure Noah’s sons were grateful that he said yes to building the ark and that they got to live rather than be destroyed with the others.

  2. For God’s family: Each of us can make the place we live better than it was when we found it. Whether that’s in our churches, our workplaces, our neighborhood, the gym that we work out in or anywhere else.

  3. For the next generation: When you serve people or influence them positively, you create an eternal impact that outlives you. You never know who the next worship leader, campus pastor, or missionary will be and you have a chance to impact their life. I’ve heard it said that the greatest contribution you can have in God’s kingdom is not what you build, but who you build.

  4. For God: God’s greatest desire is to be in relationship with us and for us to love him. Because of Noah’s relationship with God he changed history. God chose Noah because he was righteous (Genesis 6:9). Righteous simply means being right with God. I can’t think of any New Year’s Resolution or goal that would mean more to accomplish than being right with God.

Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark. You’re never too old (or too young) to make a difference. It’s not always easy. Often times we have to choose a different way. We have to choose to go against the crowd. Or choose to do things that others aren’t willing to do. Sometimes people may think you’re a little crazy. What do you think Noah’s friends thought of him when he told them, “yea I’m gonna gather my family and some animals and build an ark because God is going to send a flood to destroy the Earth.” Can you imagine how quickly he would have been canceled if that was today?

Noah stood with God when everyone else in the world stood against him. To be a difference maker you have to be different. Don’t be afraid to do something for the first time this year. Just because “it’s never been done” doesn’t mean God doesn’t want to use you to do it. Just ask Noah.